Curing Cases Of The Mondays: Collection 1

Curing Cases Of The Mondays Album Is Reinventing The Underground Landscape


Music Mondays is dedicated to bringing you the latest undiscovered, genuine talented individuals from all corners of music. Recently we’ve announced our first full length album titled Curing Cases Of The Mondays, with the sole purpose of showing off the best of the Music Mondays community. 

This album is composed of unreleased exclusive vocal and instrumental tracks from the unheard underground community as well as the Music Mondays community. Releasing on May. 14th, Curing Cases Of The Mondays will set a new standard and breathe life back into the underground community by showing what bringing together the community can do. 

The very first trailer for the album is live on our YouTube Channel with every detail on Curing Cases Of The Mondays and what you need to submit. Submissions officially close May. 11th and the official album release is May. 14th. There are no genre restrictions and vocal tracks as well as instrumental submissions are able to qualify. 

Music Mondays will always serve the community first and with Curing Cases Of The Mondays that won’t change. Every unreleased exclusive track will only be uploaded on the official Music Mondays Soundcloud and YouTube. Any track submitted by an artist is free to upload to all distributors and wherever else an artist would like to upload. 

The cover art was designed by our team designer Aestxr:  As the founder of MM I had a vision for this album’s theme that Aestxr was properly able to bring to life, I wanted to step it up from our usual Soundcloud Sunday covers. A mix of urban art and the feeling of Monday mornings, Aestxr was truly able to capture the feeling of a full length Music Mondays Album. 

Each Music Mondays album will be extremely special and this is the start of a very special tradition for Music Mondays. I hope you all enjoy this project on release and if you’re interested in getting involved make sure you check out this tweet for more information: 

We’ll leave you with the exclusive premiere of the second trailer for Curing Cases Of The Mondays: 

Enjoy and we’ll see you May 14th.

Written by Zomb Slays: